Friday, March 25, 2011

21 gun salute!

Hey all! I know I'm still MIA, but family first.

Today my grandfather was laid to rest in the Korean war memorial in Gustine, California with full military honors.

I requested to my family to do a speech for him, and they agreed.

Here is my speech about the wonderful man my grandfather was.

My grandfather, Michael Clark was a man who was born with almost nothing, he

neither had shoes, nor a floor under his feet, but even with nothing, he wanted to

give every thing. One of his first aspirations was to become a doctor, but after being

told that was economically impossible by school counselors, he ended up enlisting

in the Army as an officer. There he became a teacher of many practices including

jujitsu, and automotive theory. Since then, and until his passing he continued to

practice teaching as much as he could, but rather than the trades he taught in the

Army, what we all remember him for is what we had learned from him, for his entire

life he taught the simplicity of kindness, and lead by example of that.

Aside from a teacher my grand father was driven, he worked for what he loved, and

he always made sure to follow through. In the Army it brought him up through the

ranks in record speed, but back home he had raised three loving children and he

continued to raise his grandchildren with the same passion.

The same qualities that brought him to become a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army,

Mayor of a Japanese village, and corporate business man were never held back even

when dealing with me, Tyler Wiest as a young boy. He always had a never-ending

courtesy and a can do attitude, with professionalism and kindness.

Growing up, he brought me everywhere, as long as we weren’t late, and so long as

he could buy me ice cream from Mcdonalds. My grandfather worked with me on

my school-work tirelessly and he never complained about it, even after I gave him

a hard time from my immature stubbornness. His tireless positive attitude has had

an enormously profound effect on my life. With out my grandfather being there

growing up, I can guarantee all of you, I would barely be half the man I am today.

With all that being said, I thank you so very much, and I love you papa.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Rest in peace papa

RIP- Lt. Colonel Michael Clark.

You only knew Kindness, you only shared with love, and you only gave happiness.

You gave me all that and more.
Thank you for everything!
-Love You papa

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stay tuned!

Hey all...sorry there is so much going on! A lot with family, and school, and magic, and a bunch of stuff!

Please stay tuned, I will try to create an interesting blog soon... But for now... here is a vid ^^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What music are you listening to today?

Whilst diving to day I listened to the lasted Street Drum Core album Big Noise

What ever you want to know, I'm not shy

What was the best job you've ever had?

Ive had a few really good jobs... Hmmm the most fun job I ever had was when i was on the promotions team for the San Jose Sharks, the pepsi and then Dew tank patrol. (They're pepsi max tank patrol now) I was on their teams for 3 years, and had a blast. The job I had that made me feel most important, was when I was a stage manager for the All Wheels extreme stunt show and the chipper Lowell experience at California's Great America, I learned a lot as a manager there and ultimately improved on my business ethics.

But I've def worked in a lot of areas. Aside from the freelance videography and the magic assisting that I am consistently doing now... Ive been a DJ at a top 40 station, a producer at a public access station and a PA at another, I've taught martial arts. I've PAed on the set of a movie. It's still hard to pick "the best" one

What ever you want to know, I'm not shy

What was the most interesting place you've traveled to?

Puyang China for a magic show with a dozen or so magicians. It wasn't glamorous... and in some ways the opposite. But it was a real eye opener for me... not because I wasn't aware of poverty before I was there, just that it was the first time I was really living next to it, I mean there were squatters a few yards out my window. What I took from that place was to try and educate those who take life for granted, and try to spread the idea of giving to those less fortunate.

What ever you want to know, I'm not shy

What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

If I were to pick one...outside my parents and family for raising me... Id say when the Kr3w collectively bought me a guitar in High school

What ever you want to know, I'm not shy